Tish McAllise Sjoberg, M.A., CAGS, Expressive Arts Therapist and Scribble Artist, has believed since a young child that everyone can create, not just a select few. When watching her son grow up, she realized that the scribble is the first visual language of humans, and there birthright to visual art. This book offers the opportunity for us all to go back to our roots as artist.
At the age of forty-four Tish learned about Expressive Arts Therapy, began to find her inner artist, and since, has been offering the arts to all who want it for helping and healing. Her own path to creative confidence began by finding the simplest way to jump in and overcome her fears of the blank page. The scribble is a favorite. The scribble has also helped her walk through bouts of anxiety, she has her own scribble journals that she uses whenever she needs to scribble out her feelings.